A Review on Rural Development Planning Evolutions in Europe Union in 21st Century: Lessons for Iran



    Agriculture sector has an important portion of EU economy, with
3.8% of jobs and 4.4% of GDP. Negative rate of rural population growth is a
risk for rural planners and shows the importance of new perspective for rural
development in the EU. So, from the beginning of 21st century, there
has been a new attitude towards rural and agricultural development in member
states. Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), LEADER Approach and approved rural
development programs for 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 periods are among the main rural
development programs in this century. Coordination of rural development
programs in national level with high level of policy making for development of
rural regions in member states and conformity with the rules related to budget
of any sections of program are the most important attitudes of new rural development
landscape in the EU. In this article, we tried to survey the past and present
rural development planning system in member states, its future perspective as
well as effectiveness and importance of agricultural development programs in
rural development process.     


 1. Corresponding Author and Assistant Professor of
Geography and Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Iran (khorasani_ma@ut.ac.ir).   [2]. Assistant Professor of
Political Geography, University of Tehran, Iran.   [3]. Msc Student in Geography and
Rural Planning, University of Tehran, Iran.   
