Guide for Authors

Guide to preparing and submitting articles

   The quarterly journal Rural and Development deals with the economic, social, cultural, geographical, and political aspects of rural development and rural development, and thus encompasses more effective aspects of agriculture in rural life. The Quarterly Reader contains articles that are the result of research, analytical, and empirical work by submitters, or contain the latest scientific achievements related to the topics mentioned.


A few reminders

• All procedures for submitting, reviewing, and disseminating articles are done through the website.

• Only articles that are innovative in terms of subject, methodology, and results are up-to-date and up-to-date.

• The topic of the paper is in the areas of quarterly priority (rural development, basic rights and resource management, food security and nutrition and self-sufficiency, social sustainability and agricultural ethics, local and traditional experience and knowledge and rural migration and rural resilience).

• The journal will review articles on the agenda that have not previously been presented in any domestic or foreign journals or conferences and are not under review.

• When submitting an article, it is necessary to first complete and submit the prerequisite file of the article (which is the commitment not to submit the paper to other journals or conferences) in the format provided (It is mandatory to complete and upload the copyright form and conflict of interest form).

• The paper must be submitted in two formats: In the original format entitled "File by Name", full details of the article including title, date of writing or research, name, surname and other scientific characteristics of the author and other authors; And in the second format titled "File Without Name", there is no mention of the authors.

• Submitted articles, while being scientific and research-based, should be simple and straightforward, with written rules in place. These articles should have distinct sections such as full title, Persian abstract, introduction (including problem statement, importance statement, and theoretical background and research goals), methodology, results and discussion, conclusions and recommendations, references, and English abstract.

• Type in the word software with the following features: Left, Right and Bottom 5.4 and up 5.5 cm (Avoid submitting paper file in various formats such as pdf).

• Number of paper pages should be at least 10 and up to 20 A4 pages with BZar font size 13.

• The Persian and English abstracts of the article should be submitted in between 150 and 200 words, along with the original of the article.

• In all submissions, it is necessary to include a special Latin alphabet and specialized terminology with separate numbering on each page.

• Shapes and images must be drawn or rendered to be suitable for reproduction and copying.

• Tables should be numbered in the order in the text and the unit of measurement, date of preparation and source should be precisely specified.

• Received articles are not returned and the journal is allowed to reject, summarize, and edit content.

• If the paper is accepted at the preliminary evaluation stage, it is essential that, prior to submitting for review, respected authors receive 500,000 Rials (Accounts) at 260100004001042503014493 IR in the name of the Institute for Planning Research, Agricultural Economics and Rural Development. Deposit with the central bank (pay only through branches). If the article is final approved by the referees, it will be necessary to deposit the same amount of 500,000 Rials (fifty thousand Rials) into the same account in order to issue a letter of acceptance and be in print. If you do not accept the paper, no deposit will be refunded.

• Paying the arbitration fee will not mean accepting the paper.



How to make text references and resource lists:

   Article sources are configured using End Note in the APA format. All Persian references in the article must be written in English as a result of indexing the journal on internationally accredited websites. In other words, Persian sources should be translated into English (for example, the English title of the Latin abstracts contained in the archives of the available and accessible journals) and then the Persian phrase. Also, textual references to references should be in the form of author's / authors' last name, and in Latin in parentheses at the end of the article or immediately after the name or reference of each individual reference person; for example, references containing a Author: (Akbari, 2018), Two authors: (Akbari and Hassani, 2018), More than two authors: (Akbari et al., 2018).


To make a list of references at the end of the article, follow:

A) Book:

First and last name of first author, last name and last name of other authors in addition to the Year of publication should be there. Book title, Translator's name (if translated), place of publication and publisher's name must be written.

  • Omidbaigi, R. (1995). Approaches to production and processing of medicinal plants. Tehran: Fekr-e Rooz Publications. (Persian)
  • Sharma, S. (1996). Applied multivariate techniques. New York: Willey and Son.

B) Journal:

Do not forget the First and last name of first author, last name and last name of other authors. Year of publication, Title, Translator's name (if translated), journal name (in bent), volume / year, number and range of pages all should be mentioned.

  • Amjadi, A., Hosseini Yekani, S.A. and Ahmadi Kaliji, S. (2017). The role of agricultural commodity exchange on hedging (case study: selected agricultural product). Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development, 2(98): 1-17. (Persian)
  • Singh, V.K., Gupta, D. and Singh, H. (1992). Input use efficiency in wheat crop in Haryana. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 47: 125-134.

C) Thesis:

Surname and abbreviation of author and also the Year of publication, Thesis title, Degree and field of study, name of college and university must be mentioned.

  • Assadollahi, F. (2000). Policies and strategies of agriculture development in Iran. Master Thesis of Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Tehran. (Persian)
  • Facchini, G. (2009). Water scarcity and water policy in Mexico. Master Thesis for the Master of Philosophy in Economics Degree, Department of Economics. University of Oslo.

D) Websites:

First and last name of first author, last name and last name of other authors must be there. Year of publication, Article Title (Report). Journal name (in bent letters), Volume / Year, Number and range of pages should be mentioned as well. The website in which it is available at must be mentioned (mention website name) (date of download).

  • Lashmi, P. and Kumar, S. (2012). Study of factors affecting the India’s service sector: an econometric. Int. J. Buss. Mgt. Eco. Res., 3(2): 490-497. Available at (Retrieved at 25 Nov 2017).

FAO. (2016). The impact of disasters on agriculture and food security. Available at (Retrieved at 20 Nov 2017).