Organizational Reform in Rural Development Section Based on Political Intelligence of Extension Workers in Iran


Hamid BARGHI , Seyed Jaber ALAVIOUNN , and Raziyeh RAHIMI
Received: 25 October, 2015 Accepted: 6 June, 2016

This study aimed at investigating the effect of political intelligence of extension workers on organizational reform in the Organization of Jihad For Agriculture, in Iran. Statistical society included 109 extension experts of such organization in Guilan province, divided into two groups: the one insisting on the need for structural changes for rural development and the other denying such need. During a descriptive research, a significant relation was assessed in five dimensions including social games, power dynamism, political persona, effective stress management, and practical knowledge with organizational change attitudes towards rural development and differentiation variables of the two responding groups were explained by logistic regression. As shown by the study results, 72 percent of the respondents recognized that organizational change in rural development was necessary and also effective to increase rural management efficiency. Other results indicated that nine variables of political intelligence were effective to predict the organizational changes contributed to rural development, including organizational cooperation, appearing sincere, upwards appeals, using language, information and humor derive benefits, internal locus of control, focus attention ability, belief in effectively using resources, and tacit knowledge. Finally, it was revealed that people with positive perception of manager and business unit had better compatibility with the change in the organization.


Main Subjects