Impact of Rural Assistance Office Cooperatives in Improving Services to Rural Areas from Viewpoints of Rural People and Local Managers: A Case Study of RAO Cooperative of Dashtesar Sub-district, Amol County of Iran


    This study tried to assess the views of local authorities and members of the Islamic Rural Council as well as rural people regarding the services of the Rural Assistance Office (RAO) [dehyari] cooperatives . Research area included rural settlements of Dashtesar sub-district, Amol county of Iran. The research method was descriptive-analytical and in terms of the nature and objectives , this was an applied research. Documentary and field procedures were used for data collection as well as interviews and questionnaires . For data analysis, chi-square tests and one sample T were carried out. The sample included local managers and members of the Counci. The samples were selected based on population and the distance to urban settlements and road networks; and so, the total sample consisted of nine managers, 18 council members and 135 rural residents. The findings showed that RAO cooperatives failed to accelerate and improve the quality of services and gain satisfaction of the people. Of course, they had a positive impact on increasing income and earnings of the Rural Assistance Office. As the basis for promoting the spirit of cooperation and institutionalizing the collective savings , certain mechanisms such as transfer of some development projects and executive agencies and cooperatives, providing long-term low-interest loans and tax breaks can be pursued to strengthen this institution and thus, increase the its power of services .     
