Effects of Saffron Cultivation on Income and Employment of Operators in Lorestan Province of Iran


   Agricultural production operators can achieve a sustainable income and employment by adopting the products in accordance with their natural, economic and social conditions. This study aimed at assessing the effects of saffron cultivation on the income and employment of operators. The research plan used a methodology of pre-test and post-test with the same group (at two different times) by comparing the variables of income and employment extents before and after saffron cultivation. The statistical society included all saffron producers and operators in Lorestan province of Iran (196 samples) in 2012. For data collection, the survey method was used by means of questionnaires and interviews. Study results showed that despite the small size of the saffron farms and harvest mostly in their early years, compared with other cultivated crops, the income and employment of the operators before and after saffron cultivation were different and these differences were significant at the level of 99 percent.    


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