Analyzing the Impact of Rural Municipality Administrations (RMAs) on Rural Sustainable Development in Boyer-Ahmad County of Iran


     This study aims at investigating the impacts of Rural Municipality Administrations (RMAs) on sustainable rural development in Boyer-Ahmad County of Iran. The research methodology adopted in this study consists of the survey technique conducted with samples of rural people in the county; therefore, the statistical population includes 35 RMAs which were established in 2006 and before. At the first step, 30 RMAs are selected randomly; then, in each village, five rural household heads are interviewed; and finally, the required data are collected from 150 rural household heads through a questionnaire and the face-to-face interviews. A panel of experts confirmed the face validity of the questionnaire which is ofcourse revised based on the pilot study results; and its reliability is also confirmed with the Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.75. The study findings reveal that the five components of the sustainable performance (socio-cultural, economic, environmental, construction and building, communication with other organizations, and physical guide plan (Tarh-e-Hadi) are placed in a intermediate level.     
