Role and Position of Young Farmers Club in Rural Development: A Case Study of Khalilabad County of Khorasan Razavi Province


  This study, conducted in 2011, aims at investigating the role and position of young farmerd club in rural development in Khalaiabad county of Khorasan Razavi province of Iran. The statistical society includes 500 members of this club; 127 out of which are selected as the statistical samples in a proportionate stratified random sampling method. The results from correlative analysis show that the variables including these memders’ attitudes towards the clubs’ role in rural development activities, records of membership in the club, extent of activity in the club, and amount of family’s annual income are significantly and positively related to the extent of the club’s impact on rural development. According to the results from multiple step by step regression, these independent variables except for the records of membership in the club explain 42.6 percent of variance in the dependent variable.       
