An Explanation of Rural Development Sustainability Using Symbols



       Environmental unsustainability is a global issue assumed to be of importance to every nation . Success in the conservation of environment, therefore, requires environmental knowledge and communication with people so that learning and adopting of the environmental conservation are simultaneously realized. For this purpose, sustainability indicators are among the primary means of helping individuals, institutions, and communities to make more different and appropriate choices for the future of their environments. Such indicators are not readily responding questions by themselves, but they may direct us to better responses if reliable information is provided over valuable issues on life. The indicators are divided into three categories including distinctive, comparative, and directional. Directional indicators are focused on action rather than numerical symbols. These are illustrated in symbols and, for reasons of dynamism, assume personal, social, cultural, and geographical differences; thus, they are very functional in informing, educating and learning about the environmental sustainability. This paper aims at explaining the directional indicators of the environmental sustainability and thereby drawing their functions.    
