The c onsequences of the e stablishment of i ndustrial z ones in r ural a reas of Iran: A c ase s tudy of Kamard v illage in Tehran p rovince



        Rural industrialization strategy has a significant role in achieving national development goals. Spontaneous establishment of industrial units in proximity of Kamard village has various environmental and socio-economic consequences and impacts for the area, so an examination of these is necessary on regional and local scales. Research methodology is observation and library research and we use economic basis for the analysis of local employees and to derive a locational coefficient for industrial groups currently present in Kamard industrial zone. The results show, during 2001-2005 the total number of industrial units remained unchanged but diversity of industrial groups reduced and just four industrial groups remained in basic industries. Generation of the environmental pollutants endangers human health and environmental vitality, such that drinking water and agricultural water contamination are respectively 50 times and 25 times higher than the COD standard. Generation of 431 job opportunities per annum provides employment and income for the local and non-local population, in so far as non local employees are three times more than local employees in basic industries.     
