Integrating r ural e xtension with s ocial w ork for the e mpowerment of t arget g roups in I ranian v illages



          Specialism together with scientific and social change call for more collaboration among different disciplines. t his collaboration is indeed imperative and inevitable to resolve the problems a society facing. Based on this necessity this paper was prepared in a documentary research framework. Research findings show social work and rural extension are among those professions that have common aspects concerning the background inside the country, the domestic and international trend of changes, and the type of audience. While there are some communalities between the two, differences can also be observed. Social work clients have a clear-cut understanding of it; however they do not have an insight about the advantages of extension trainings. There are emerging demographic changes in rural community, among which the most important one is the growth of disabled and aged groups. These changes are such that those who have once been a client of social work increasingly become a client of agricultural extension activities. On the other hand, the presence of social workers is inevitable considering the quantitative growth of disabled and aged groups in rural areas of the country. These realities demand a joint effort between social workers and agricultural extensionists. These interactions can enrich activities of each party by building on each other experiences which can contribute.    
