Second Home Development and Transformation in Rural Areas with the Population Flow from City to Village; Evidence from the Villages of the Alamut Region of Qazvin Province in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 School of Architecture and Environmental Design in Iran University of Science and Technology

2 Agricultural Planning, Economic and Rural Development Research Institute



The gradual deterioration of rural society is one of the main problems of countries, especially in developing societies. The flow of migration whether from the rural society to the cities or its reverse is one of the factors of the deterioration and problems of the villages. In some cases, the reverse flow of migration from cities to villages shows more destructive consequences in the rural community. The villages of the Alamut region are one of the regions to study in the central Alborz of Iran which has temporarily possessed a population due to the reverse migration from the city to the village. Investigating the effects and consequences of the construction of second housing in these villages is the purpose of this article. To understand and analyze the consequences of this phenomenon semi-structured interviews and field visits to eight villages in the Alamut region of Qazvin province are used. The quantitative strategic planning matrix method is also used to measure the importance of long-term and short-term effects of the process of building second homes in the villages of the region. This phenomenon has some positive effects on the prosperity of rural society in the short term, but we cannot ignore its extensive negative effects in the long term. The approach of this article to second homes in the villages of the region is to adjust and systematize its expansion with the orientation to benefit from the opportunities resulting from the emergence of this type of home.


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